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Ann Cothron
Ann Cothron

The kids call me: Mrs. Ann or Library Lady
Grades I've taught: Librarian at WBES - but I have taught middle school science!
My favorite thing about teaching: Learning along with the students.
Favorite Quote: "When you read a book as a child it becomes part of your identity in a way no other reading in your life does." Kathleen Kelly from You've Got Mail

Desiree Gerron
Desiree Gerron
PE Teacher

The kids call me: Coach Desiree

Grades I've taught: K-5 & 9th & 12th

My favorite thing about teaching: When a gym full of kids gasps for excitement. 

Favorite Quote: Life is like a disco. No matter how the music changes you just keep dancing. 

Kim Jones
Kim Jones
PE Teacher

Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: Austin Peay State University 

1991 Bachelor's Degree Elementary Education

2001 Master's Degree Administration/Supervision

2008 K-12 Physical Education Endorsement
Started teaching in: 1992
Favorite thing about my job: My favorite thing about my job is getting to work with students in PE...

seeing their competitiveness and taking a break from academics to just have fun...

I also enjoy the other teachers I get to work with... 
3 things I love:

1. God

2. Family time

3. Coaching volleyball

Favorite quote: "Never let anyone work harder than you"  -Johnny Chandler

Jessica Lankford
Jessica Lankford
Guidance Counselor

The kids call me: Mrs. Lankford

Grades I've taught: 1, 3, 5, and school counselor for PK-5

My favorite thing about teaching: When students are interested in a topic and it sparks a class discussion. 

Favorite Quote: It's not what the world holds for you. It's what you bring to it. L. M. Montgomery

Briana Owen
Briana Owen
Music Teacher

The kids call me: Ms. Briana

Grades I've taught: PK-5 Music

My favorite thing about teaching: My favorite thing about teaching is making music with my students! I love seeing their joy as they play instruments or sing songs.  

Favorite Quote: "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." -Henry Ford

Amy Southerland
Amy Southerland
Art Teacher
Born in: Dickson TN
College attended: Austin Peay
Started teaching in: 2004
Favorite thing about my job: My favorite thing about my job is providing a place for students to learn while creating.
3 things I love: My family, my church family, and painting
Favorite quote: "Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud."   Maya Angelou

Vicky Williams
Vicky Williams
Computer Lab Teacher

The kids call me: Ms. Vicky

Grades I've taught: Computer Lab Pre K thru 5th, ISS, and Office

My favorite thing about teaching: Watching the students learn and them smiling when they figure something out on their own.

Favorite Quote: If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all!  (Bambi)

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