Dickson County Schools Closed
Due to the high number of flu cases within our school system, the Dickson County School System will be closed tomorrow, Friday, February 7th.

All day-care facilities will be closed.

After-school activities will be canceled. 

ACT testing will remain as scheduled for Saturday, February 8, 2025 at DCHS (deep cleaning will occur on Friday).
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Special Education

Tish Beard
Beard, Tish
Special Education Teacher
Born in: Princeton, IL
College attended: University of TN at Martin
Started teaching in: 1990
Favorite thing about my job: Helping teachers and students solve problems
3 things I love: reading, animals, the beach
Favorite quote: Seize the Day!
Bell, Karen
ERC Assistant
Morgan Bowker
Bowker, Morgan
Special Education Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: University of Tennessee at Martin
Started teaching in: 2014
Favorite thing about my job: The opportunity to work with, teach, and learn from students with many different abilities.
3 things I love: dance, my friends/family/furbaby, and shopping
Favorite quote: "Find out who you are, and do it on purpose." - Dolly Parton
Brake, Sherry
SPED Assistant
Guthrie, Kendal
Educational Assistant
Heggie, Delcima
SPED Assistant
Heggie, Delcima
SPED Assistant
Jennette, Ashley
SPED Assistant
Julie Johnson
Johnson, Julie
Educational Assistant
Born in: Nashville, TN
Started working with children in: 2021
Favorite thing about my job: Watching the students progress as time goes on
3 things I love: my children and mom, the river, and church
Favorite quote: "She believed she could, so she did."
Kayla McCormick
McCormick, Kayla
Special Education Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: University of Tennessee at Martin
Started teaching in: 2014
Favorite thing about my job: Inspiring children to do their best and be their best
3 things I love: My family, my friends, my job.
Joy Parks
Parks, Joy
ELL Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 1992
Favorite thing about my job: Working with my students
3 things I love: my family, my dog, reading
Julie Perdue
Perdue, Julie
Deaf Education Specialist
Born in: Kalamazoo, Michigan
College attended: Ball State University, University of Memphis
Started teaching in: 1987
Favorite thing about my job: The staff, students and support that I receive
3 things I love: My family, the beach, Mexican food
Favorite quote: "The days I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, those are good days." - Ray Wylie Hubbard
Lauren Pierce
Pierce, Lauren
Speech Therapist
Born in: Memphis, TN
College attended: Harding University; Tennessee State University
Started working with children in: 2009
Favorite thing about my job: Helping students overcome challenges and see their successes
3 things I love: my family, decorating, and shopping
Winnie Smith
Smith, Winnie
Special Education Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: Martin Methodist College and Middle Tennessee State University
Favorite thing about my job: Collaborating with other teachers and working with children to meet their goals
3 things I love: reading, photography, and spending time in the mountains
Favorite quote:  "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go" - Dr. Seuss
Stein, Sarah
Speech and Language
Sharon Thompson
Thompson, Sharon
Special Education Assistant
Born in: Nashville, TN
Started working with children in: 2011
Favorite thing about my job: Assisting teachers in helping students reach their goals
3 things I love: Coffee, Reading, Genealogy research
Favorite quote: "Giving in its purest form, expects nothing in return."
Kristy Williams
Williams, Kristy
SPED Assistant
Wills, Emily
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