Dickson County Schools Closed
Due to the high number of flu cases within our school system, the Dickson County School System will be closed tomorrow, Friday, February 7th.

All day-care facilities will be closed.

After-school activities will be canceled. 

ACT testing will remain as scheduled for Saturday, February 8, 2025 at DCHS (deep cleaning will occur on Friday).
District Home

Activities & Clubs

DCHS National Beta Club
Sponsors:  Kimberly Hale, Donna Bryant
The National Beta Club (often called " Beta Club " or simply " Beta ") is an organization for 4th through 12th grade students in the United States. Its purpose is "to promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, leadership and service among elementary and secondary school students.".

DCHS History Club
Sponsors: Jennifer Howington, Donna Bryant
Meets in front cafe or room 309
The DCHS seeks to involve students in all aspects of history, especially the local level. We travel to historic sites, invite special speakers and work with the local historical society. All students who love history are welcome to join. $20 annual Membership

DC Travelers
Sponsors: Donna Bryant, Kimberly Hale, Maria Thornton
Meetings in Room 309
The DC Travelers are a community group of students from Dickson County High School and CreekWood High School that travel in the summers to Europe/Abroad. Students are nominated for International travel by the respective faculty and nomination is based primarily on scholarship and behavior in the classroom. Regular and punctual attendance in school is also considered when selecting potential travelers. Students who travel with the DC Travelers should be considered the best of the best of our students bodies and International Ambassadors for our state and nation. Students must pay their own way for these trips abroad. The DC Board of Education does not allow school fund raising for International travel. Students can sign up and create a donation page and conduct their own private strategies. All trip destinations are selected by the students traveling if possible.

DCHS Recycle Club
Sponsor:  Donna Bryant
The Recycle club strives to make students more aware of global sustainability efforts through campus practices.
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)
Future Business Leaders of America is an organization designed to improve and inspire the next generation of leadership. Through competitive events and other extracurricular activities, members gain valuable career opportunities, applicable skills, and connections with the community. These skills are not just important to business related fields, but all careers alike!

FFA (Future Farmers of America)

FFA is an Agriculture-based club at DCHS that offers leadership skills through the tradition of the corduroy jacket and the farmers that paved the way for us. Our club meets in the Ag Shop in room 701 during called clubs to discuss chapter ideas and activities. It’s more than just the cows and plows stereotype. We are leaders, achievers, learners, and servers that fill the needs in agriculture across the world. Sponsored By: Jason Wallace and Caitlyn Gitchell Established: 1931 in Dickson County High School.

HOSA - Future Health Professionals
Members consist of students interested in a health career.  Dues $25, which includes a club shirt
National Service Project - 2022-2023
Pink Out Game (football and basketball)
Red Cross Blood Drive
Nursing Home Christmas Party
HOSA Hut (during Homecoming week)

Modern Music Masters or Tri-M
Tri-M is an international Honor Society specifically for vocal and instrumental music students in grades 9-12 where students learn to "perform, lead, and serve."  Nationally, Tri-M members contribute more than 750,000 service hours for their local communities.
In order to be a member of Tri-M at DCHS, students must be enrolled in a band or choir class, must have a 2.8 GPA, and must be nominated by a music director and student member or Tri-M alumnus.
Students are required to perform 15 hours of community service through music performance.  Annual Tri-M service projects include 2 NHC  jazz band concerts, the NHC Secret Santa project, Dickson County's Christmas Downtown, and the Instrument Petting Zoo for Haunting on the Hill.
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