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Jim Akins
Akins, Jim
Science Teacher
College attended: UT Martin, University of Memphis, and Austin Peay
Started teaching in: 2008
Favorite thing about my job: The students I work with
3 things I love: God, my family, and my friends
Nikki Akins
Akins, Nikki
Education & Training - Career & Technical Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: University of Tennessee at Martin and Concordia University
Started teaching in: 2007
Favorite thing about my job: Watching my students graduate, go to college, and become teachers with students of their own!
3 things I love: my family, cooking, and the beach
Favorite Quote: “It is what it is, but it will be what you make it.” - Pat Summitt
Stephanie Allison
Allison, Stephanie
Freshman Counselor
Born in: Detroit, Michigan
College attended: Eastern Michigan University, Morehead State University
Started working with children in: 1993
Favorite thing about my job: The opportunity to meet students where they are and help them 'plant seeds' for a better tomorrow
3 things I love: my family, music, and podcasts
Favorite quote: "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Jennifer Alt
Alt, Jennifer
Work Based Learning - Career & Technical Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: University of Tennessee at Martin
Started teaching in: 2016
Favorite thing about my job: Preparing students for careers in healthcare
3 things I love: My family, Jesus, and coffee
Favorite quote:  Teamwork makes the dream work!
AubreyAnna Badon
Badon, AubreyAnna
College/Career Advisor
Born in: Franklin, TN
College attended: Austin Peay
Started working with children in: 2021
Favorite thing about my job: Seeing the joy when students realize they can achieve their dreams
3 things I love: Reading, studying classic literature, and learning mythology from around the world
Favorite quote: "Nothing is Impossible. The word itself says I'M POSSIBLE!" - Audrey Hepburn
Bagsby, Butch
Baseball Assistant Coach
Karen Bateman
Bateman, Karen
Mathematics Teacher
Born in: Westpoint, NY
College attended: Austin Peay State University, Tennessee State University
Started teaching in: 1998
Favorite thing about my job: Helping students learn math
3 things I love: my grandchildren, fishing, being at home
Favorite quote: It is not our mistakes that define who we are; it is how we recover from those mistakes.
Brad Beaubien
Beaubien, Brad
Science Teacher
Born in: Fort Smith, AR
College attended: UT Knoxville, APSU
Started teaching in: 2006
Favorite thing about my job: Sharing the love of my subject matter with my students
3 things I love: Travelling, College Football, and Cooking
Favorite quote: "The important thing is to never stop questioning." - Albert Einstein
Melissa Bell
Bell, Melissa
Educational Assistant
Born in: Dickson, TN
Colleges attended: Tennessee College of Applied Technology
Started teaching in: 2022
Favorite thing about my job: Seeing all the smiling faces in the hallways.
3 things I love: God, my kids, Melinda and Martyn and my dog, Molly
Favorite quote: "Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you." 
Don Berry
Berry, Don
Welcome Center
Born in: Ft Campbell, KY
College attended: TN Tech, USMC, DOC Academy
Started working with children in: 2018
Favorite thing about my job: Protecting kids and staff 
3 things I love: fishing, outdoor sports, swimming in the ocean
Favorite quote: ''Life is a beach, so ride the waves.''
Kristi Betty
Betty, Kristi
Born in:  Nashville, TN
College attended:  O'More College of Design, Tennessee Technology Center
Started working in school systems: 2010
Favorite thing about my job:  The Students, the Principals, Teachers, all Staff and SRO's
3 Things I love:  JESUS, My Children/Grandchildren/Family and My Work
Favorite quote:  Truly my soul waiteth upon GOD, from HIM cometh my Salvation. - Psalm 62:1
Richard Boyman
Boyman, Richard
School Social Worker
Born in: Sacramento, CA
College attended: San Diego State University & Our Lady of the Lake University
Started working with social services in 2013
Favorite thing about my job: supporting students and staff
3 things I love: Spending time with my family and friends, traveling, and hiking. 
Donna Bryant
Bryant, Donna
Social Studies Teacher
Born in: Wills Point, Texas
Colleges attended: Tyler Junior College, Pellissippi State University, Austin Peay State University, and Tennessee State University
Stated teaching in: 2000
Favorite things about my job: Building lasting relationships with my students and watching them mature into incredible people
3 things I love: My dog Lola, traveling with students, adults, friends, gardening, and cooking
Favorite quote: "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Ashley Buchanan
Buchanan, Ashley
Science Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
Colleges attended: Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 2023
Favorite thing about my job: The smiles and laughter in learning
3 things I love: Coffee, Music, Outdoors
Favorite quote: “Keep your face always toward the sunshine—and shadows will fall behind you.” —Walt Whitman. 
Curt Butler
Butler, Curt
Personal Finance and Fine Arts Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: Western Kentucky University
Started teaching in: 2011
Favorite thing about my job: The moment eyes light up because they get it
3 things I love: God, Family, Teaching
Favorite quote: "The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life." - Rabindranath Tagore
Jill Butler
Butler, Jill
Fine Arts Teacher and Choral Director
Born in: Orlando, FL
College attended: UCF, LSU
Started teaching in: 1995
Favorite thing about my job: Making a difference in kids' lives
3 things I love: sleeping, music theatre, and being with my son
Tina Buttrey
Buttrey, Tina
Cafeteria Manager
Chris Cardona
Cardona, Chris
Science Teacher and Soccer Head Coach
Born in: Colorado Springs, CO
College attended: University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Austin Peay, Carson Newman
Started working with children in: 2002
Favorite thing about my job: Helping students understanding how Biology relates to their life
3 things I love: Hiking, Soccer, Football
Favorite quote: "You can't always be the most talented person in the room, but you can be the most competitive."- Pat Summitt
Zeda Carrera
Carrera, Zeda
Educational Assistant
Born in: Oklahoma City
Started teacher assistant in: 2024
Favorite thing about my job: Helping teachers and students solve problems.
3 things I love: Dr Pepper, reading and  farming
Favorite quote: "If you want to be some body you have to wake up and pay attention.”
Lori Cartwright
Cartwright, Lori
Born in: Franklin, TN
Graduate of Page High School
Started work here in 2023
Favorite things about my job: coworkers, meeting new people and the schedule
3 things I love: family, baking and arts & crafts
Favorite quote: "If you change the way you Look at things, the things you Look at change."
Jeff Clifton
Clifton, Jeff
PLTW (STEM) - Career & Technical Teacher
Born in: Dickson TN
College attended: University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Started teaching in: 1998
Favorite thing about my job: Getting to know the kids
3 things I love: Family, God, Football
Favorite quote: "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt
Lindsey Cook
Cook, Lindsey
Dual Enrollment Monitor
Born in: Little Rock, Arkansas
College attended: Cumberland University
Started working with children in: 2014
Favorite thing about my job: Getting to know all of the kids and seeing them grow into amazing adults!
3 things I love: God, Family, Titans and Vols Football
Favorite quote: "No one is perfect that's why pencils have erasers."
Mason Cook
Cook, Mason
English Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: University of Tennessee at Martin
Started teaching in: 2024
Favorite thing about my job: My favorite thing about my job is what God teaches ME through these students.
3 things I love: Jesus!
Favorite quote: "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and the mouth one confesses and is saved" Romans 10:9-10
Amy Crowder
Crowder, Amy
English Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 1998
Favorite thing about my job: Reaching the sometimes unreachable students
3 things I love: my family, animals, the beach
Favorite quote: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou
Spencer Cude
Cude, Spencer
Mathematics Teacher & Basketball Assistant Coach
Cummings, Ross
Basketball Assistant Coach
Chuck Daniel
Daniel, Chuck
Physical Education Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: MTSU, Cumberland University, and Arkansas State
Started teaching in: 1992
Favorite thing about my job: Relationships
3 things I love: Sports, Outdoors, Bonfires
Favorite quote: Little things lead to big things in all things.
Dwayne Daniel
Daniel, Dwayne
In School Suspension Monitor
Born in: Clarksville, TN
College attended: ITT Technical Institute
Started working with students in: 2006
Favorite thing about my job: Helping kids figure out problems
3 things I love: Wife, kids, and the Bible
Favorite quote: "That's how to be great!"
Jason Dawson
Dawson, Jason
Physical Education Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended:  APSU
Started teaching in: 1997
Favorite thing about my job: Helping students reach their goals.
3 things I love: Family, Football, Kayak fishing.
Favorite quote: " A big mouth don't make a big man"   John Wayne 
Mark Dawson
Dawson, Mark
Residential & Commercial Construction - Career & Technical Teacher & Football Assistant Coach
Born in: Clarksville, TN
College attended: Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 2004
Favorite thing about my job: Teaching students carpenter skills hopefully they can use the rest of their lives
3 things I love: Watching my Dodgers play baseball, going to Titans games, riding around in our corvette with my wife
Favorite quote: Don't worry about things you can't control.
Tangi Dawson
Dawson, Tangi
Dudley, Cory
Football Assistant Coach
Dan Dufty
Dufty, Dan
Social Studies Teacher and Tennis Head Coach
Born in: Nashville, TN
Colleges attended: University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and University of Tennessee
Started teaching in: 2011
Favorite thing about my job: Interacting with the kids
3 things I love: Football, Golf, Weather
Favorite quote: "It cost a lot to win and even more to lose."
Corey Duke
Duke, Corey
Born in: Dickson, TN 
Colleges attended: Berry College and Trevecca Nazarene University 
Started teaching in: 2003 
Favorite thing about my job: Helping others become better. 
3 things I love: Family, CrossFit, and Sports 
Favorite quote: "Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear." - Anthony Robbins 
Val Duran
Duran, Val
School Resource Officer
Edmondson, Terry
Science Teacher
Edmond Elliott
Elliott, Edmond
Architectural & Engineering Design - Career & Technical Teacher
Born in: Trenton, MI
College attended: Austin Peay State University and ITT Technical Institute
Started teaching in: 2024
Favorite thing about my job: Sharing my 30 years of CAD with students
3 things I love: Titans Football, Woodworking, Cruising
MaKray Farris
Farris, MaKray
Physical Education Teacher & Softball Assistant Coach
Born in: Paris, TN
College Attended: Trevecca Nazarene University
Started teaching in: 2021
Favorite thing about my job: Being a positive role model and being there for my students through the joys and struggles of high school.
3 things I love: Jesus, family/friends, and iced lattes. 
Favorite quote: The 23rd Psalm

Amy Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald, Amy
Registrar & Volleyball Assistant Coach
Born in: Lexington, TN
College attended: Jackson State Community College
Started working with students in: 2009
Favorite thing about my job: The people that I work with
3 things I love: Reading, Swimming, and Sports
Callie Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald, Callie
Spanish Teacher and Physical Education Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: Tennessee Technological University
Started working with children in: 2023
Favorite thing about my job: Interacting with students
3 things I love: Family, Friends, and Volleyball 
Ashley Ford
Ford, Ashley
Health Science Education - Career & Technical Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
Colleges: Bachelor's Degree from the University of Memphis & Doctorate from Logan University
Started teaching: August 2023
Favorite things about my job: The family that is the DCHS Cougars
3 things I love: God, my family, and Titans/Vols Football
Favorite Quote: "You got to lose to know how to win"
Steven Gerber
Gerber, Steven
JROTC Teacher
Born in: Watseka, Illinois
College attended: University of Louisville, Austin Peay
Started teaching in: 2018
Favorite thing about my job: Seeing the difference I make in young peoples' lives (that "aha" look)
3 things I love: working out, old cars, helping people
Favorite quote: "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Michael Jordan
Otis Gerron
Gerron, Otis
Physical Education Teacher
Born in:  Dickson, TN
College attended:  Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 2022
Favorite thing about my job:  Helping teachers, students, and playing in the gym
3 things I love:  Playing sports, working out, and Playing with my daughter
Favorite quote:  It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.  
Taylor Gilbert
Gilbert, Taylor
English Teacher
Born in:  Nashville, TN
College Attended:  Austin Peay State University and Liberty University
Started Teaching in :  2012
Favorite things about my job:  Getting kids excited about the future, Finding books for kids to love, Watching kids meet and often exceed their goals.
3 things I love:  Jesus, My Family and Dad Jokes
Favorite quote:  "A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read."
Earlene Green
Green, Earlene
Born in: Nashville, TN
Started working with students in: 1994
Favorite thing about my job: Multi-tasking and working with my amazing co-workers and students daily...also having summers and snow days off
3 things I love: My God, my Family, thrift shopping
Favorite quote: "SHINE YOUR LIGHT."
Payton Grove
Grove, Payton
Physical Education Teacher & Softball Head Coach
Born in: Dickson, TN
Colleges Attended: MTSU, TSU, APSU
Started teaching in: 2020
Favorite thing about my job: Being able to have a positive impact on students lives, as well as preparing them to be successful in life.
3 things I love: My family/friends, sports, and yard work
Favorite Quote: "Before you act, listen. Before you react, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try." - Ernest Hemingway  
Robin Gunn
Gunn, Robin
Junior Counselor
Born in: Dickson, Tn
College attended: APSU, WKU
Started working with students in:1997
Favorite thing about my job: working with students
3 things I love: quilting, machine embroidery, reading
Favorite quote: Romans 8:28
Kimberly Hale
Hale, Kimberly
Mathematics Teacher and Library/Media Specialist
Born in: Champaign, Illinois
College attended: University of Tennessee, Austin Peay State University, Trevecca Nazarene University
Started teaching in: 1988
Favorite thing about my job: Geometry
3 things I love: Reading, Quilting, Traveling
Favorite quote: “Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not.” - Thomas Henry Huxley
Gillian Hall
Hall, Gillian
English Teacher
Born in: Bowman, GA
College attended: Southern New Hampshire University
Started teaching in: 2023
Favorite thing about my job: Helping the students become the best version of themselves
3 things I love: My family, reading, and painting
Favorite quote: "I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love." - J.R.R. Tolkien 
Teresa Hall
Hall, Teresa
Mathematics Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 1992
Favorite thing about my job: Helping students overcome their fear of math
3 things I love: My Family: 3 children and 8 grandchildren, traveling, and music; but God above all
Favorite quote: "God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December." - James M. Barrie
Craig Haneline
Haneline, Craig
School Resource Officer
Andrew Harbin
Harbin, Andrew
Science Teacher
Trudie Harrington
Harrington, Trudie
Educational Assistant
Born in: Nashville, Tn
College attended: TCAT
Started working with children: 2001
Favorite thing about my job: I love the human connections made!
3 things I love: All sports, anything happening outside & fishing, fishing & fishing
Favorite quote: Smile, it increases your face value!
Rachel Hedge
Hedge, Rachel
Fine Arts Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: Lipscomb University and Western Governor's University
Started teaching in: 2011
Favorite thing about my job: Helping students discover a love of art and building relationships with my kids
3 things I love: God, my family, and creating art
Favorite quote: If you can't make waves, make ripples.
Michelle Herbert
Herbert, Michelle
Health Science Education - Career & Technical Teacher
Born in: Waverly, TN
College attended: The University of TN at Martin
Started teaching in: 2020
Favorite thing about my job: Helping students understand Healthcare
3 things I love: coffee, chocolate and outdoor activities
Favorite quote: Bad habits are made in good times, good habits are made in tough times.
Eric Hickerson
Hickerson, Eric
Library/Media Specialist
College Attended: Ohio Valley College, Lipscomb University, Trevecca Nazarene
Started teaching in: 1994
Favorite thing about my job: Students
3 things I love: God, My family, the band RUSH
Favorite Quote: "We each pay a fabulous price for our visions of paradise, but a spirit with a vision is a dream...with a mission." - Neil Peart

Ryan Hill
Hill, Ryan
Mathematics Teacher & Golf Head Coach
Born in: Memphis, TN
College attended: Mississippi State University
Started teaching in: 2022
Favorite thing about my job: Helping others find confidence in what they can actually achieve.
3 things I love: God, Family, Golf
Favorite quote: "Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching." - C.S. Lewis
Tina Hogin
Hogin, Tina
Educational Assistant
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: Austin Peay University
Started working with children in: 1999
Favorite thing about my job: Working with amazing individuals
3 things I love: walking, riding bicycle, and being with family
Favorite quote: "I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Kristy Hollinsworth
Hollinsworth, Kristy
Fine Arts Teacher
Born in: Charlotte, TN
College attended: Austin Peay State University and Arkansas State University
Started teaching in: 2005
Favorite thing about my job: Helping others
3 things I love: Photography, Drawing and Traveling
Favorite quote: "An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision." - James Whistler
George Holloway
Holloway, George
Social Studies Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 2023
Favorite thing about my job: Seeing the lightbulb "turn on" in my students when they begin to understand the concept that we are studying.
3 things I love: Baseball, football, and golf
Favorite quote: 'A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment."-John Wooden  
Donna Holt
Holt, Donna
Senior Counselor
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: Middle TN State University and Cumberland University
Started teaching in: 1991
Favorite thing about my job: Seeing students grow and develop into productive citizens as well as celebrating the milestone of earning a high school diploma and moving on to new adventures
3 things I love: Gardening, dancing
Favorite quote: "The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Emily Horton
Horton, Emily
Mathematics Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 2020
Favorite thing about my job: seeing my students feel proud of their accomplishments and growth
3 things I love: reading, music, and my family
Favorite quote: "I wanna be defined by the things that I love. Not the things I hate, not the things I'm afraid of, or the things that haunt me in the middle of the night. I just think that you are what you love." -Taylor Swift 
Jennifer Howington
Howington, Jennifer
Social Studies Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: UT-Knoxville, APSU, Trevecca Nazarene
Started teaching in: 2003
Favorite thing about my job: Getting to see the amazing things our students are capable of
3 things I love: hiking, trips, reading
Favorite quote: “Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way.” - Michael Scott
Meredith Jeffers
Jeffers, Meredith
Speech Specialist
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: Tennessee State University; Middle Tennessee State University
Started working with children in: 2010
Favorite thing about my job: Making a difference in the life of every child by helping him or her improve their speech, language, and communication skills.
3 things I love: fishing, my family, and my black cat named Cleo
Favorite quote: "It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand." ~Margery Williams Bianco, The Velveteen Rabbit
Chris Johnson
Johnson, Chris
School Resource Officer
Born in: Hendersonville, TN
Started working at DCHS in: 2024
Favorite thing about my job: interacting with staff and students
3 things I love: Family, outdoors, and music
Favorite quote: "Don’t, ever, for any reason, do anything, to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who you are with, or, or where you are going, or, or where you’ve been. Ever. For any reason. Whatsoever.”- Michael Scott
Rachel Johnson
Johnson, Rachel
English Teacher
Born in: Charleston, West Virginia
College attended: Southeastern Illinois College, Spalding University
Started teaching: 2001
Favorite thing about my job: Getting to know students, helping them grow up, and sharing a love of English with my students
3 things I love: God, my children, running Spartan races
Favorite quote: Iron sharpens iron.
Dr. Blake Jones
Jones, Dr. Blake
Social Studies Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: Western Kentucky University, Arizona State University, and Western Governors University
Started teaching in: 2010
Favorite thing about my job: Preparing students for their next step in life
3 things I love: Watching Football, Cooking, Reading
Favorite quote: “For the narcissist sees the world–both the past and the present–in his own image. Mature historical understanding teaches us to do the opposite: to go beyond our own image, to go beyond our brief life, and to go beyond the fleeting moment in human history into which we have been born. History educates (“leads outward” in the Latin) in the deepest sense. Of the subjects in the secular curriculum, it is the best at teaching those virtues once reserved for theology–humility in the face of our limited ability to know, and awe in the face of the expanse of history.” - Professor Sam Wineburg
Brady Jones
Jones, Brady
Science Teacher
Born in: Parsons, Tennessee
College attended: University of Tennessee at Martin
Started teaching in: 2021
Favorite thing about my job: Seeing the lightbulb come on above
3 things I love: Hunting, Sports, Teaching
Favorite quote: “Great leaders are not always popular.” - Nick Saban
Jordan, Emma
English Teacher
Carrie Joyce
Joyce, Carrie
English Teacher
Born in: Columbia, TN
College attended: Austin Peay State University, Tennessee State University, Morehead State College
Started teaching in: 2007
Favorite thing about my job: Insightful discussions
3 things I love: My family, my French horn, my library
Favorite quote: "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Julie Kaiser
Kaiser, Julie
Girl's Volleyball Head Coach
Born in: Ashland, OR
College attended: San Diego State University
Started coaching high school volleyball in: 2000
Favorite thing about my job: helping athletes excel, developing a unique culture and promoting confidence and respect.
3 things I love: Family, friends and sunshine 
Betty Karpowecz
Karpowecz, Betty
Spanish Teacher
Born in: Panamá, Central America
College attended: Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 2013
Favorite thing about my job: Observing as students acquire a second language and grow to demonstrate learning
3 things I love: German Shepherd, my grandkids, God
Favorite quote: Our limitation is God's opportunity.
Lepowski, Larry
Football Assistant Coach
Valerie Littleton
Littleton, Valerie
Social Studies Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: UT Knoxville and Arkansas State University
Started teaching in: 1991
Favorite thing about my job: Being inspired by my students everyday; because of them I have hope for out future
3 things I love: God, my family, and UT football
Favorite quote: "Unless someone like you cares a whole lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not!" - Dr Seuss
Stefan Logan
Logan, Stefan
Career & Technical Counselor
Born in: Nashville TN
College attended: Austin Peay, UTK
Started teaching in: 2006
Favorite thing about my job: the relationships with my students
3 things I love: my wife and kids, farming
Tony Longtin
Longtin, Tony
Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair - Career & Technical Teacher
Born in: Germany
College attended: Nashville Auto/Diesel, Nashville State, and TSU
Started teaching in: 2005
Favorite thing about my job: When students keep in touch and share their future progress
3 things I love: Family, Friends, and Scuba Diving

Deanna Lusk
Lusk, Deanna
Agriculture - Career & Technical Teacher
Born in: Waverly, TN
College attended:  University of Tennessee Martin and Marian University
Started teaching in 2013
Favorite thing about my job: Working with students
3 things I love: my family, crafting, vacationing
Joey Malone
Malone, Joey
Bowling Head Coach
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: Aquinas College, Columbia State CC, and Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 2014
Favorite thing about my job: Building relationships and seeing growth in each student
3 things I love: Coffee, Investing, and Bowling (in that order)
Favorite quote: "I CAN accept failure. Everyone FAILS at something. But I CAN'T accept not trying." -Michael Jordan
Sarah Martin
Martin, Sarah
Special Education Teacher
Born in: Pasadena, TX 
College attended: Itawamba Community College, Delta State University 
Started teaching in: 2001 
Favorite thing about my job: Watching my students have those "aha" moments, grow their knowledge as well as strengthen their confidence in themselves. My purpose as a human is to encourage and uplift others. 
3 things I love: church, my children/animals, baseball/softball 
Favorite quote: For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 
Hannah McCulloch
McCulloch, Hannah
English Teacher
Born in: Huntsville, AL
College attended: Austin Peay State University 
Started teaching  in: 2020 
Favorite thing about my job: working with students to reach their full potential 
3 things I love: My family, my dog, napping
Favorite quote: “No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.” - Taylor Swift 
Rhonda McElroy
McElroy, Rhonda
Special Education Teacher
Born in: Kenton, Ohio
College attended: Capital University
Started teaching in: 1997
Favorite thing about my job: Working with students and seeing them get excited about learning
3 things I love: Coffee, Reading, Running
Favorite quote: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou
Michael Nelson
Nelson, Michael
Fine Arts Teacher and Band Director
Born in: Nashville, Tennessee
College attended: The University of Tennessee at Martin
Started teaching in 2008
Favorite thing about my job: Helping student achieve more than they thought possible.
3 things I love: My family, Dungeons and Dragons, Lego
Favorite quote: "Success always breeds more success" - Michael Nelson
Whitney Newsom
Newsom, Whitney
Special Education Teacher
Born in: Oak Harbor, WA
Colleges attended: Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 2003
Favorite thing about my job: Having a positive impact on a student's day
3 things I love: My Family, Dr Pepper, Napping
Favorite quote: “We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Arthur O'Shaughnessy
Christa Nichols
Nichols, Christa
Fine Arts Teacher
Born in: Logan, WV
College attended: Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 2002
Favorite thing about my job: Working with students
3 things I love: Spending time with my family and friends
Kristen Nicholson
Nicholson, Kristen
School Nurse
Born in: Miami, FL
College attended: Columbia State; TCAT Dickson
Started working with children in: 2012
Favorite thing about my job: The smiling face of a student I was able to help.
3 things I love: my family, DisneyWorld, being outside
Favorite quote: Do. Or do not. There is no try. ~Yoda 
Larry Nolen
Nolen, Larry
Social Studies Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: UT Knoxville, BA and MA
Started teaching in: 1999
Favorite thing about my job: Sharing my love for history with students
3 things I love: People, sports, and reading
Favorite quote: All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it - The Little Prince
Jessica Parker
Parker, Jessica
Credit Recovery and Physical Education Teacher
Born in: Columbia, TN
College attended: Austin Peay State University
Started  Teaching : 1998
Favorite Thing About My Job: Helping Students Achieve Their Goals and Dreams      
Three Things I Love: Family, Friends, Traveling, and Sports      
Favorite Quote: " Ability is what you are capable of doing.  Motivation determines what you do.       Attitude determines how well you do it." Lou Holtz
Rodney Parker
Parker, Rodney
Graduation Coach - Baseball Head Coach
Born in: Clarksville TN
College attended: Austin Peay
Started teaching in: 1994
Favorite thing about my job: Inspiring young people to be great!
3 things I love: GOD, My Family, Baseball
Favorite quote: Be the best you you can be!
John Patterson
Patterson, John
Criminal Justice - Career & Technical Teacher
Born in: Fontana, California
College attended: Liberty University
Started teaching in: 2014
Favorite thing about my job: Seeing our students grow into responsible young adults
3 things I love: Jesus Christ, University of Georgia Football, working at DCHS
Favorite quote:  Treat Everybody Like They Are Somebody.
Katherine Perez
Perez, Katherine
Assistant Principal
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: Tennessee Tech University, Bethel University
Started teaching in: 2012
Favorite thing about my job: Seeing students be successful and supporting teachers to best help students
3 things I love: family time, God, being on the lake
Cheyenne Perkins
Perkins, Cheyenne
English Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 2012
Favorite thing about my job: Being able to share the love of reading and writing with my students!
3 things I love: being with my family, cooking and eating food, and reading and writing.
Favorite quote: "Be curious, not judgmental." - Walt Whitman
Riley-Marie Perkins
Perkins, Riley-Marie
Social Studies Teacher
College Attended: APSU (BBA and MAT)      
Started Teaching in: 2022
Favorite thing about my job: listening to students discuss controversial economic topics
3 things I love: curiosity, intention, and dance
Favorite quote: "For if there is a more tragic a fool than the businessman who doesn't know that he's an exponent of man's highest creative spirit--it's the artist who thinks the businessman is his enemy."
Tiffany Peters
Peters, Tiffany
Business & Marketing - Career & Technical Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: Lipscomb University, Tennessee State University
Started teaching in: 1999
Favorite thing about my job: Helping students learn, so they can have a better future
3 things I love: God, watching my kids play sports, being outdoors
Favorite quote: I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength.
Mitch Pierce
Pierce, Mitch
Assistant Principal
Born in: Dickson, TN
Colleges attended: Tennessee Tech University, Austin Peay State University, Carson Newman University
Started teaching in: 2011
Favorite thing about my job: Working with young people in order to help them achieve their goals
3 things I love: Family, Sports, and The Great Outdoors
Favorite quote: "The Pink Panther was pink, but he was cool." - Randel Allen Harrel
Randy Powers
Powers, Randy
JROTC Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 2011
Favorite thing about my job: Seeing Cadets grow and assume responsibility for their actions
3 things I love: Sports, outdoors, and traveling
Favorite quote: How many chances do you get to make a first impression?
Jay Powlas
Powlas, Jay
Residential & Commercial Construction - CTE Teacher, Basketball Head Coach and Athletic Director
Born in: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
College attended: MTSU
Started working with children in: 1989
Favorite thing about my job: The kids
3 things I love: My family, dogs, farm
Favorite quote: You can’t calm the storm, stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass.
Curtis Primm
Primm, Curtis
In School Suspension Monitor
Born in: Dickson, TN
Started working with students in: 2006
Favorite thing about my job: Being able to see smiling faces daily
3 things I love: Food, faith, and fellowship
Favorite quote: "If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you."
Lamekia Primm
Primm, Lamekia
Credit Recovery Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: Austin Peay State University, Tennessee State University, Campbellsville University, Health Coach Institute
Started teaching in: 2004
Favorite thing about my job: Mentoring and coaching students to be leaders
3 things I love: God, myself, my family and being a servant to others
Favorite quote: "Know who you are, own who you are, so together we can make a difference!"- Lamekia Primm
Nikki Pulley
Pulley, Nikki
Instructional Coach
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: Lee University, Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 2011
Favorite thing about my job: Helping others develop their love and craft of teaching students!
3 things I love: family time, hunting arrowheads, walking the creek
Favorite quote: "A ship in harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are made for."
Hannah Ratliff
Ratliff, Hannah
Mathematics Teacher
Born in: Hartford, CT
College attended: Union University
Started teaching in 2023
Favorite thing about my job: getting to help students every day!!
3 things I love: Jesus, my family, crafting
Favorite quote: What is done with love is done well. 
Taylor Rhodes
Rhodes, Taylor
English Teacher
Born in: San Antonio, TX
College attended: Abilene Christian University & Texas State University
Started teaching in: 2017
Favorite thing about my job: Ability to be creative, discuss relative and important concepts, and the opportunity to help others reach their potential
3 things I love: Music (I'm a singer/songwriter), Video Games (I've been a "gamer" since my grandpa bought us an original Nintendo for Christmas in 1988), BBQ (competed in multiple BBQ competitions with wins in both Texas & Tennessee).
Favorite quote: "It is only in sorrow bad weather masters us; in joy, we face the storm and defy it." -Amelia Barr 
Alyssa Richardson
Richardson, Alyssa
English Teacher, Cheer Head Coach
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Started teaching in: 2023
Favorite thing about my job: Helping students achieve their goals!
3 things I love: Family, four-leaf clovers, live music
Favorite quote: "Take it Easy" -The Eagles 
Angela Richardson
Richardson, Angela
Mathematics Teacher
Born in: Altus, Oklahoma
College attended: Cameron University
Started teaching in: 1984
Favorite thing about my job: Working with students, teachers, and staff
3 things I love: God, family, and friends
Favorite quote: "May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight,  LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14
Curtis Robertson
Robertson, Curtis
School Resource Officer
Born in: Dickson, TN
Started working with children in: 2019
Favorite thing about my job: Protecting students and being a part of their positive educational experience
Tom Roche
Roche, Tom
Educational Assistant
Stacie Ross
Ross, Stacie
Counseling Secretary
Rachel Ruiz
Ruiz, Rachel
Spanish Teacher
Born in Bethesda, Maryland
College Attended: Austin Peay State University
Started Teaching:2022
Favorite thing about my job: Encouraging students to learn a new language. Since I studied abroad in Spain, it has helped me bring first hand knowledge to my classroom teaching.
3 things I love: coffee, traveling, being present in the moment 
Anita Russell
Russell, Anita
Digital Arts & Design - Career & Technical Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: Nashville State Community College
Started working with children in: 2021
Favorite thing about my job: Interacting with families and students
3 things I love: Art, sports and discovering new places
Favorite quote: You have to be a friend to have a friend.
Margie Shelby
Shelby, Margie
French Teacher
Born in: Woodlawn, TN
College attended: David Lipscomb University
Started teaching in: 1990
Favorite thing about my job: Sharing my passion for French with awesome students
3 things I love: my family, friends, and teaching
Favorite quote: "Be courageous" Joshua 1:9
Jameson Simms
Simms, Jameson
Mathematics Teacher
Born in: Nashville, Tennessee
College attended: King University 21'
Started teaching in: 2024
Favorite thing about my job: Helping students believe that they can be good at math.
3 things I love: Coffee, Dogs, Kayaking
Leslie Sims
Sims, Leslie
Criminal Justice - Career & Technical Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
College Attended: University of Tennessee at Martin, Middle Tennessee State University, and Tennessee State University.      
Started teaching in: 2022
Favorite things about my job: I get to share my love for criminal justice and all the knowledge I have gained working in the field for the past ten years with my students.      
3 things I love: Family, Friends, and Sports      
Favorite Quote: Laissez le bon temps rouler!  (Let the good times roll!)
Risa Sims
Sims, Risa
ESL English Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: APSU
Started teaching in: 2000
Favorite thing about my job: Seeing students succeed!
3 things I love: Family, Reading, Beach
Favorite quote: "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory." - Dr. Seuss
Sheri Sinks
Sinks, Sheri
Health Science Education - Career & Technical Teacher
Born in: Granite City, IL
College attended: APSU and Excelsior
 Started teaching in: 2009
Favorite thing about my job: Sharing my passion about nursing and helping my students to become better people
3 things I love: God, family, and helping others
Favorite quote: Be the Reason Someone Smiles Today!
Brittney Smith
Smith, Brittney
Social Studies Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: University of Tennessee at Martin
Started teaching in: 2011
Favorite thing about my job: Helping students in the classroom and getting to know them throughout the year
3 things I love: Kentucky basketball, coffee, and running
Favorite quote: "Good things take time" - John Wooden
Curtis Southerland
Southerland, Curtis
Fine Arts Teacher

As an art educator, I strive to provide the highest quality learning environment and opportunity to students by means of preparation, constant planning and reflection that will allow student mastery of daily objectives. The design and goal of my classroom is to make students feel safe and comfortable while preparing them for the responsibility and expectations of the real world. Honest communication to self and each other is the classroom's foundation for learning together and building strong student/teacher relationships. Mistakes are expected as part of the learning process and responded to in a constructive way. A rigorous classroom is evident every day as students show accountability and problem-solving skills through daily group interactions.

I obtained my formal education from Freed-Hardeman University, University of Tennessee, and Austin Peay State University and hold a Bachelors in Fine Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies, with a focus in non-profit administration and also a Masters in Education. Experience includes: nine years of private instruction, six years as a corporate gallery curator, ten years teaching at the public elementary level, as well as my current position at DCHS.

Genesis Spann
Spann, Genesis
Health Science Education - Career & Technical Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
Colleges attended: TCAT Dickson, UT Health Science Center, UT Martin
Started teaching in: 2023
Favorite thing about my job: Helping students develop a passion for healthcare.
3 things I love: My family, traveling, and baking
Favorite quote: "Have courage, and be kind” -Cinderella
Justin Spurlock
Spurlock, Justin
Social Studies Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: Freed Hardeman University
Started teaching in: 2013
Favorite thing about my job: Working with the youth of America
Things I love: I love traveling and writing short historical stories.
McKayla Spurlock
Spurlock, McKayla
Sophomore Counselor
Born in: St. Mary's, PA
College attended: Penn State University & CalU of PA
Started working with children in: 2012
Favorite thing about my job: Nurturing and witnessing growth in students
3 things I love: My daughter, husband & nature
Favorite quote: Combining the power of choice and the willingness to a positive mindset, we all have the ability to grow through what we go through!  
Stephanie Stiltner
Stiltner, Stephanie
Assistant Principal
College attended:  Trevecca Nazarene University, Western Kentucky University, University of West Alabama, University of North Alabama
Started teaching in: 2010
Favorite thing about my job: Seeing a student master a skill
Things I love:  Church, traveling, hot-power yoga, running, a combination of coffee and dark chocolate.
Favorite quote: "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is one of the greatest accomplishments." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Whitney Stock
Stock, Whitney
Human Services - Career & Technical Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: Middle Tennessee State University
Started teaching in: 2013
Favorite thing about my job: Teaching students about healthy eating and new cooking skills
3 things I love: Family, reality TV, and Salt and Vinegar chips
Sydney Sullivan
Sullivan, Sydney
School Nurse
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, TN
Started Nursing in: 2017
Favorite thing about my job: Getting to educate and care for students with various health concerns and conditions.
3 things I love: Spending time with my son, Reading, and Coffee
Favorite quote: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” –Maya Angelou
Adam Taylor
Taylor, Adam
Science Teacher
Born in: Utah
College attended: Brigham Young University
Started teaching in: 2003
Favorite thing about my job: Helping Students Smile, Learn and Figure Things Out
3 Things I love: 1. Family 2. Learning 3. Chasing Plastic
Favorite Quote: "Food is my favorite thing to eat." - Mike Gilchrist
Jeffrey Tomlinson
Tomlinson, Jeffrey
Social Studies Teacher & Football Head Coach
Born in: Erin, Tn 
College attended: Attended Austin Peay State University Graduated in 2000
Started teaching career at Clarksville High School 2000-2006, before teaching at Creek Wood from 2006-2012, Montgomery Central High from 2012-2021 and DCHS 2022- present.
Favorite thing about my job: I love coaching Football and helping young men achieve things they never thought were possible.
3 things I love: Football, Spending time with Family and Traveling  
Stacey Tomlinson
Tomlinson, Stacey
ERC Teacher
Born in: Erin, TN
College attended: Austin Peay State University, Arkansas State University
Started teaching in: 2005
Favorite thing about my job: The joy and excitement when students reach their goals!
3 things I love: Jesus, Coffee, Boating
Favorite quote: "Be the Light" Matthew 5:14
Tuck, Caleb
Basketball Assistant
Toni Tucker
Tucker, Toni
Physical Education Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: APSU
Started teaching in: 2003
Favorite thing about my job: Helping students
3 things I love: family, friends, and traveling
Favorite quote: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou
Laura Valdes
Valdes, Laura
Spanish Teacher
Born in: Mexico City
Started working with students in: 2021
Favorite thing about my job: Working with kids because everyone deserves a chance treat people with kindness
Ty Weaver
Weaver, Ty
Agriculture - Career & Technical Education
Born in: Vanleer, TN
College attended: UT Martin
Started teaching in: 2021
Favorite thing about my job: Teaching shop and large animal classes 
3 things I love: Jesus, cows, and my family
Favorite quote: "Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you're a thousand miles from the cornfield." - Dwight Eisenhower
Erin Webb
Webb, Erin
Physical Education Teacher and Girls Basketball Head Coach
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: Lipscomb University
Started teaching in: 2011
Favorite thing about my job: Seeing kids become the best versions of themselves
3 things I love: traveling with my husband, my four kids, coaching basketball
Favorite quote: “I am the door, anyone who enters by me will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy, but I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.” John 10:9-10
Regina Webster
Webster, Regina
Assistant Principal
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: University of Tennessee at Martin, Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 1986
Favorite thing about my job: Helping students find their happily ever afters
3 things I love: Reading, Drawing, Exercising
Favorite quote: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
Karen Willey
Willey, Karen
Special Education Teacher
Born in: Dickson, TN
College attended: Austin Peay State University
Started teaching in: 1984
Favorite thing about my job: Working with the students
3 things I love: Spending time with my grandson, Rhett; reading, and antiquing
Favorite quote: "For I know the plans I have for you; plans to prosper you and not hurt you." Jeremiah 29:11
Paul Williams
Williams, Paul
Science Teacher
Born in: Memphis, TN
College attended: Lambuth University; Lipscomb University
Started teaching in: 2006
Favorite thing about my job: Getting to know the kids
3 things I love: Sports, God, and family time
Favorite quote: "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing." - Vince Lombardi
Anna Wilson
Wilson, Anna
Mathematics Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
College attended: UT Knoxville, Peabody at Vanderbilt, MTSU, UT Martin
Started teaching in: 2008
Favorite thing about my job: Helping students learn and meet their goals
3 things I love: God, Family/Friends, DCHS
Favorite quote: "I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace as you trust in him. Then you will have more and more hope, and it will flow out of you by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13
Emily Wilson
Wilson, Emily
Mathematics Teacher
Charlotte Wisdom
Wisdom, Charlotte
Born in: Dickson, TN
Started working with students in: 1985
Favorite thing about my job: Working with students and my friends
3 things I love: Jesus, family, and food
Favorite quote: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart..." - Proverbs 3:5
Kerri Woodard
Woodard, Kerri
ESL Teacher
Born in: Nashville, TN
Colleges attended: University of TN at Chattanooga, Tennessee State University
Started teaching in: 2008
Favorite thing about my job: Seeing students gain confidence
3 things I love: Family, Coffee, Books
Favorite quote: "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." - Maya Angelou
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