Announcements: October 3
Good Morning CMS. We begin each day with a moment of silence. Please pause for a moment of silence.
Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Click "Lunch" for entire month. (Daily menu is the most reliable.)
Teachers, please check dress code.
Pep Rally and Homecoming ceremony will be today at 2:15. We will be on Activity schedule.
Tomorrow is a half day, we will dismiss at 11:30.
The 8th grade Washington DC Trip info meeting is tonight at 6PM. This meeting will take place in the CMS Cafeteria. Please come if you want to find out how you can go to DC!
Good luck to our Lady Hawks soccer team, they play in the championship at 5 at East Hickman.
Halloween Dance will be October 25 from 6-9pm. Costumes are allowed, but must be school dress code approved. Tickets are $5 and will be available at the door. Dance is Sponsored by CMS Drama club
Announce the after fall break: Wear Pink the 24th
MORNING KORNY: Where do ghosts go on holidays? The Boohamas.
Lunch: Chicken alfredo
Steamed broccoli
Fresh fruit & veggies
Pizza, wraps, PBJ
Remember, at CMS, we’re all about…
Teamwork, Integrity, Growth, Enthusiasm, Respect…That’s the Tiger Way