Dickson County Schools Closed
Due to the high number of flu cases within our school system, the Dickson County School System will be closed tomorrow, Friday, February 7th.

All day-care facilities will be closed.

After-school activities will be canceled. 

ACT testing will remain as scheduled for Saturday, February 8, 2025 at DCHS (deep cleaning will occur on Friday).

Dickson County Schools

Every Student Every Day

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Pre-K Registration opens April 1-11, 2025

Dickson County Schools currently offers two early childhood programs. Both programs are state certified and implement the Tennessee Early Learning Developmental Standards (TN-ELDS).

Peer Program
The Preschool Peer Program is a Pre-K program that is designed to meet the needs of children ages three (3) to five (5) years old who require special education services within a Pre-K classroom setting. This program also includes typically developing peer students. The program is free for students with disabilities and placement within a classroom is determined by the student's IEP team. Tuition cost for peers will be $20.00 per week for the 2023 - 2024 school year. A peer student models the age-appropriate speech, language, social, and behavior skills for children with delays and specific educational needs, in the classroom. All peer students must be three (3) or four (4) by July 1st of the enrolling school year and fully toilet-trained to participate in the program. Peers must also have transportation to/from the school. This program runs Monday - Thursday in half day sessions: 7:45 - 10:45 (AM) and 11:30 - 2:30 (PM). All peer applicants will be scheduled to participate in a developmental screening prior to acceptance into the program. School registration should not occur until approval is given from the classroom teacher. Please visit the linked Preschool Peer Program webpage for more information, including application information. 

The Peer Program is offered at Centennial Elementary School (CENT), Charlotte Elementary School (CES), Oakmont Elementary School (OES), Stuart-Burns Elementary (SBES), and White Bluff Elementary School (WBES).

Voluntary Pre-K Program (VPK)
The Voluntary Pre-K (VPK) program provides an all-day early childhood education program for “at risk” four-year old children, in accordance with the Tennessee Voluntary Pre-K Scope of Services and Chapter 0520-12-01 Standards for School Administered Child Care Programs. For more information, parents may visit: State of TN Voluntary PreK Program.

Enrollment in the VPK Program follows state guidelines for individual Tier classifications, via the VPK Scope of Services. Please refer to the Tier descriptions and required documentation for each. Tier 1 students (with or without IEPs) are given first priority for placement in each class. 

Five elementary schools offer the VPK program: Dickson Elementary School (DES), Oakmont Elementary School (OES), Stuart-Burns Elementary School (SBES), Vanleer Elementary School (SBES), and White Bluff Elementary School (WBES).

Voluntary Pre-K (VPK) Assistance: Andrea Beaubien, Director of Early Learning (615) 446-7571, [email protected] 
Peers Program Assistance: Brooke Parham, Early Learning Coordinator (615) 446-2085, [email protected] 

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