Dickson County Schools

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The purpose of Title I, Part A of Public Law 107-110 is to enable schools to provide opportunities for children served to acquire the knowledge and skills contained in the challenging state content standards and to meet the challenging state performance standards developed for all children. This purpose is accomplished by such efforts as:
  • providing an enriched and accelerated educational program;
  • promoting schoolwide reform through schoolwide programs or through additional services that increase the amount and quality of instructional time;
  • significantly upgrading the quality of instruction by providing staff in participating schools with substantial opportunities for professional development; and
  • affording parents meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children at home and at school.
A school is classified as a Title I School based on the percentage of students enrolled at the school who receive free or reduced lunches and schools considered highest at-risk. The Title I Schools in the Dickson County School District are:

Title I Complaint Procedures

The Dickson County School System has established a procedure for parents/guardians of Title students to report a complaint regarding the Title Program.
  1. The parent/guardian should contact the regular classroom teacher regarding any concern about their child's program or school service.
  2. The regular education teacher should contact the Title teacher and schedule a meeting with the parent.
  3. The school principal should attend the meeting and work with the teacher to resolve the complaint.
  4. If the parent/guardian is not satisfied that the complaint has been resolved, the school principal should refer the issue to the Federal Programs Supervisor.
  5. The Federal Programs Supervisor should review the complaint with the parent/guardian and the Superintendent.
  6. If the parent/guardian continues to feel the issue is unresolved, the District should inform and assist the parent/guardian with the opportunity to speak to the Board of Education.
Title II, Part A is a federal program that provides funds to school districts including charter schools and state operated programs. The primary goals are to promote teacher, principal and paraprofessional quality through strategies such as high quality professional development in core subject areas and development of mechanisms and initiatives to promote the retention and hiring of highly qualified teachers, including reducing class size for the purpose of student achievement.
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