Dickson County Schools Closed
Due to the high number of flu cases within our school system, the Dickson County School System will be closed tomorrow, Friday, February 7th.

All day-care facilities will be closed.

After-school activities will be canceled. 

ACT testing will remain as scheduled for Saturday, February 8, 2025 at DCHS (deep cleaning will occur on Friday).

Dickson County Schools

Every Student Every Day

Home  >  For Staff  >  Student Data  >  Skyward

Start Skyward Online Training (Teachers Included)

All Skyward users (including teachers) will train online at their own pace.

The procedure for doing so is this:
  1. Click this link: procenter
  2. Log in with the username that was sent to you and the password newuser.  (Your PDC username does not match your email username.)
  3. You will be asked to create a new password.
  4. You should have been enrolled in appropriate classes. (If not, contact [email protected].)
  5. You may also learn about any other part of Skyward you want -- no limit on courses.
Can't find an answer to your question? Submit a question.

What is Skyward?
Skyward is the student information system for taking attendance, giving grades, and keeping up with system data. It provides teacher, off staff, and family access to student appropriate information.

How can teachers or office staff train for Skyward?
To get started with online training.

How can teachers, office staff, or guardians log into Skyward?
Teachers and office staff, your username and password are the same as your school email username and password. (IMPORTANT INFO: Until you are assigned to a security group, you will not be able to see data.)
Guardians and students, access information must be provided to you by the school.

How can teachers and office staff create their own Skyward desktop icon?
Step-by-step instructions.

Is there a mobile app?
Yes. Android and iPhone devices may get it for free at their respective app stores.

Do teachers need to train to use Skyward?
Yes. As of July 14, all teachers will take attendance. The plan is for teachers in grades 3 through 12 to also keep grades in Skyward.

I am a teacher, and I can't log into Skyward at all.
  1. Check with building Skyward staff to make sure your access has been requested at your school.
  2. Make sure you're using the correct login information.
    1. Username is same as Novell / email (example: RBrison)
    2. Password is same as Novell / email (example: changeMe123!)
      1. Type your password in another file (Notepad, Word, etc.) so that you can see it and make sure it's correct.
      2. Copy and paste it into the password field on the Skyward login page.
  3. Submit a HelpDesk ticket stating clearly what you've tried and at what point the process broke down.

I am a teacher, and I can log into Skyward but can't see my students or classes.

  1. Check to make sure you are in Educator Access (teachers who are also parents will have choice between Educator Access and Family Access in the "Jump to Other Systems" dialogue on the right of the Skyward landing page).
  2. Check with your school Skyward staff to make sure you have been scheduled for classes.
  3. If you have changed buildings, check with Skyward staff to make sure your transfer has been communicated to the IT department.
  4. Work with a teacher experienced in Skyward use.
  5. Please submit a HelpDesk ticket with specific details about your problem.

I am a principal or support person. What if I can't see or do everything in Skyward that my job requires?
If you are a returning staff member with no new requirements, please submit a HelpDesk ticket.
If you are a returning staff member who needs new rights, please ask your building principal / supervisor to submit a HelpDesk ticket (administrative approval required).
If you are a new support staff member, please ask your building principal / supervisor to submit a HelpDesk ticket (administrative approval required).

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